- Big
- Great Pumpkin Commonwealth
- Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Association
- Pennsylvania Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Association
- Pumpkin seed genetics and statistics
- Atlantic Giant Genetics Cooperative
- Maine Pumpkin Grower’s Association
- Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario
- New York State’s Giant Pumpkin Growers Association
- Pacific Giant Vegetable Growers
- Holland’s Land O’ Giants
- Gus “Squashcarver” Smithhisler
- Ed Moody’s Pumpkin Carvings
- Pumpkin Fanatic
- Extreme Pumpkins pumpkin carving
- Worldwide Giant Growers – Mark Clementz
- WOW Wallace Organic Wonder
- Western Labs Atlantic Giant Pumpkins soil testing
- A&L Great Lakes Laboratories – Fort Wayne, IN soil testing
- Do my own pest control – Pesticides at professional strength in smaller quantities, perfect for a few Atlantic Giant plants.
- Microbe Organics – Detailed information about compost tea and micro organisms in your soil.
- Hollands Giant Pumpkins -Mycorrhizae soil inoculant
- Pests, diseases and other problems: sub-forum of One of the best discussions on controlling pests and diseases in Atlantic Giant plants.
- Purdue Plant and Pest diagnostic lab $11/sample Drop-off, mail in or photo.
Pollination of the Atlantic Giant Pumpkin by Wayne Hackney
Orginally published in the N.E.P.G.A. Newsletter – June, 1996
Cecil Weston: How I grew a 1,180 # pumpkin my first year (comprehensive and updated guide)
How to build a tripod to lift your pumpkin: Steve Strickler-Bloomington, IN
Early season cucumber beetle management: Purdue article
2022 Midwest Vegetable production guide – Purdue- Pumpkins start on page 120
How distance from light fixtures influence light levels for seedlings: Purdue article
Visit Phil Groenewold’s Atlantic Giant greenhouse in Dyer, IN
Germination tips, with pictures
Role of elements and micro-nutrients in your soil
John Taberna Soil Scientist at Western Laboratories article
Soil amendment estimator by Bryan Langley (Excel format)
Your browser may block the download as suspicious, but press on, it is correct!
How to use Bryan Langley’s soil amendment estimator on YouTube by Cecil Weston
GPC 2017 OTT Giant Pumpkin weight estimation chart
How to measure and estimate the weight of your Giant Pumpkin by Bart Toftness
Great Pumpkin Commonwealth – governing body for giant pumpkins
Indiana Top-Ten Giant Pumpkins list
Indiana State record for all vegetable classes
We’ve added a “TOP TEN” overall page for each of the following categories:
Squash Long Gourd Watermelon Tomato Field Pumpkin Bushel Gourd
Miscellaneous pictures from past weigh-offs
Origin of Dills Atlantic Giant pumpkins by Steve Connolly
Humic acid YouTube video relative to lawn grass, but explains humic acid fairly well.