Blast from the past Jim Gatewood and Brad Walters (little Mikkal Hodge)816 Joe RichardsSeestOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERArichsrd 2richards-3richards-1richards 4phyllisOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMvc-016sMudd1stMudd WaterLeno 2Leno 1kids pumpkin 3kids in pumpkin 8 bestJBarenieISF GroupIndy Fair 10GEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAIndiana State Fair Boardimage002Image1Hensler Nursery Weigh-IN Group ShotHensler 09 GroupGus CarvingGus 3Gus 2Gus 1Group Picture 2006_copy(1)Group Picture 2006DSCN0366DSCN0365DSCF0081_0026Display BoardChainsaw 2Chainsaw 1boy pkin 2Beachy2009 980 Klinker2005 group2004 gROUP1528 Rose1346 Terry Marchand1308barenieb1308barenie13081251 Deatherage1236 Harp1224 Bok1177 Deatherage1148 MentingGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA1136 barenie 2004GEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA1114 Mudd1106 DurstGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA1087 Van Hook1081 Barenie1080 BarenieOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1050 Zoellner1042 Barenie1034.5 Roger Howard1034 Beachy1033 Gary1030 WellsOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1023 Marchland1021 MullinsOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1008 R. Howard1007 Mullins1001 Mullins996 MuddOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA980 Klinker979 Miller970 Klinker968 Martin949 Zoellner947 Barenie917 Wilson913 Van HookGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA884 Miller884 MastonSmithhislerGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA875 MastonSmithhislerGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA873 Slone866 Beachy859.5 Grant Mullins853 Rahe849 Marchland 5849 Marchland 4849 Marchland 3849 Marchland 2849 Marchland 1849 Marchland 0842 BarenieGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA838 Richards838 Frantz827 Durst826 Barenie823 P Howard819 Mullins786 Durst775 Hodge770 M. Barenie761 HodgeOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA755 Hopkins751 MillerGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA745 Poore742 Hopkins738 Steineman738 Dudley736 Barenie735 John BarenieGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA706 MarchandOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA696 John Van Hook691 J. Barenie691 Howard688 T. Beachy686 Howard681 ZoellnerGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA678 Stevenson675 Thompson672 HowardOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA653 Scherer653 Mervyn Barenie652 Morrison650 James Van Hook631 Messer625 Roger Howard624 HopkinsGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA609 Klinker608 Messer604 RayOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA598 Goodman598 Barenie595 J. HoffmanOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA590 William Hughes585 Jeff Zoellner584 Klinker568 Williamson554 YoungGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA539 Howard527 Gatewood526 Howard518 J. Hoffman516 SQ HowardOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA513 GaryGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA502 Beachy500 MesserGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA468 Dudley448 Hodge447 Poore SQ443 Hodge442 Don Stuck II429 Hatfield429 H. Hoffman420 Pat Hansen409 ThayerOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA402 Stuck392 Terry Marchand377 Michael Stevenson EXHGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERA362 Seest356 Peffley353 Stuck352 Morrison327 Maston324 HapnerOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA308 Mikkal Hodge300 James